Friday, February 24, 2012

Ways on How Early Can You Test for Pregnancy?

The hardest part of pregnancy is waiting. Indeed, waiting for the appropriate time to test yourself if you're having a child or not could be bothersome. From common knowledge, everybody knows that ladies must wait couple of weeks before you take the test. However, does it should really take two weeks? Really, how early can you test for pregnancy?

With today's technological advances, it is possible to detect if you're pregnant or not. As a matter of fact, you can do it in the comfort of your own house. How early can you test for pregnancy actually depends upon the type of pregnancy test that you are using.

How Early Can You Test for Pregnancy with Blood Test

If you want to find out how early can you test for pregnancy, you have to figure out your hCG levels. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is produced through the early stages of pregnancy. By finding out the levels of this hormone, you will know how early can you test for conception.

There are various ways on testing conceiving. Whether you desire to consider a blood test or a urine test, both these tests work through determining the levels of hCG. You will find various kinds of tests in your local hospital or laboratory which should be able to detect hCG. By learning all these, you can create an estimation of how early is it possible to test for pregnancy.

Most medical professionals use the common home pregnancy tests. However, with the blood tests, you can certainly learn the accurate amount of hCG produced. Urine tests on the other hand can only confirm pregnancy if the hormone hCG is present at a level that is high enough to confirm it. A test is taken into account positive once the hCG level is 5mlU/L or higher. This is why you will never can tell how early can you test for pregnancy using a urine test.

Ways on How Early Can You Test for Pregnancy

The best way to learn how early can you test for pregnancy is visiting a doctor. Your health practitioner should be able to tell you how early can you test for pregnancy. Although most of them will most likely say you still have to wait for two weeks to pass.

On the bright side, you can find new home pregnancy tests that can detect very small amounts of hCG. Some of them can even detect hCG that is as low as 5mlU/L. With these sensitive tests, it is quite easy to determine how early can you test for pregnancy. You possibly can see results even as early as 7 days past ovulation.

1 comment:

  1. The sensitivity of your pregnancy diagnostic kit can also determine when should I take pregnancy test. The hCG concentration are usually reported in milliINternational Units or mIU. Those pregnancy test kits with the sensitivity of about 20mIU/ml are said to be more sensitive than those standard tests with about 50 to 100mIU/ml. With 20 mIU/ml pregnancy test kits, you can detect conception as early as eight days after ovulation. Also, there are newer diagnostics tests that can detect conception with just 5mIU/ml of hCG. Most pregnancy tests available are 97 percent accurate.
